Equalified AIF Investor- Cohart I

Program Dates: To Be Announced


Program Fee:

The program fee includes

Equalified AIF Investor is a first-of-its-kind education program designed for current or prospective investors of alternative investment funds (AIF) to develop practical, real-world knowledge and skills for investing in AIFs.

This practioner-led program is designed to offer a hands-on experience in analyzing different opportunities in AIF, understanding risks and returns on AIF investments, asset allocation and investment strategies.

Session Date Day Time Topic
1 What are Alternative Investment Funds
2 Key features and general conditions of Alternative Investment Funds
3 Categories of Alternative Investment Funds Category I of Alternative Investment Funds Venture capital fund
4 Category I of Alternative Investment Funds SME fund
5 Category I of Alternative Investment Funds Infrastructure fund
6 Category I of Alternative Investment Funds Social venture fund
7 Category I of Alternative Investment Funds Angel fund
8 Category II of Alternative Investment Funds Private equity fund
9 Category II of Alternative Investment Funds Debt fund
10 Category II of Alternative Investment Funds Real estate fund
11 Category II of Alternative Investment Funds Fund of funds
12 Category III of Alternative Investment Funds Hedge fund
13 Category III of Alternative Investment Funds Private investment in public equity(PIPE) fund
14 Taxation of alternative investment funds
15 Portfolio Construction with Alternative Investment Funds
16 How to Pick the Right Investment Manager for Yourself

To be announced