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Multi-Act was founded in 1997 by two Wharton graduates, with an aim to develop unbiased and independent Equity Research with a clear emphasis on quality, and margin of safety for their own investments. After successfully managing proprietary investments for 12 years, a select few families approached Multi-Act to manage funds for them. Consequently, in 2009 Multi-Act ventured to provide equity advisory services to other investors. Even today, well over 50% of the assets under advice and management belong to Multi-Act’s shareholders. In addition, Multi-Act also offers a range of Global Investment and Private Equity solutions through partner companies, Multi-Act EquiGlobe and Multi-Act Private Equity Investment Trust respectively.

Multi-Act is a differentiated fiduciary group that creates investment solutions and programs for multi-generational wealth owners and institutional managers. Their current set of clients include institutional investors, family offices, high net worth individuals and wealth managers in India and elsewhere.

Multi-Act helps their clients meet their investment objectives through different investment strategies and asset allocation models across markets. To achieve this, Multi-Act focuses on addressing the major challenges faced by investors while attempting to preserve and grow their wealth:

  1. The pressure to invest perpetual wealth: Multi-Act designs bespoke investment plans and long-term allocation strategies for their clients’ that avoid the common behavioural pitfalls and trap of overcommitting assets in a late cycle.
  2. To prevent permanent loss of capital: The core investment portfolios (devised as carve outs) by Multi-Act focus on quality and endeavour to provide a margin of safety. This safeguards their clients’ portfolio against permanent loss of capital.
  3.  To allocate across assets and geographies: Multi Act encourages Indian investors to reduce home country bias and to diversify into truly Global and in multi-asset portfolios. This includes, but is not limited to equities, fixed income, bullion and commodities producers. 
  4. An overload of investment ideas: The research team at Multi-Act provides customised analysis of each investment idea that lands on the investors’ desk with a conclusive view that highlights hidden risks based on all available information.
  5. To improve alpha of investments : Over a full investment cycle, Multi Act aims to deliver 200-250 basis point alpha over benchmarks to advisory clients’ including by reducing costs, and by finding avenues that improve return on investment.
  6. To avoid conflicted interests of advisors: Services provided by Multi-Act are based on a fixed percentage fee model irrespective of the Assets under Advice (AuA) and they do not receive any consideration by way of commission / referral fees thereby avoiding any conflict of interests with the Clients interests.

Reach out to them at amruta.tipnis@multi-act.com/ +91-22-61408989 for client enquiries and business development or visit their website for more details https://multi-act.com/

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