The Certificate in Banking (CIBA) is a comprehensive certification exam designed to build expert level understanding of banking functions. This program tests a candidate on his capability to develop a disciplined and systematic understanding of all the key functions of a Bank. CIBA demonstrates specialist knowledge and professional competence among banking professionals and aspirants. It is a highly relevant qualification for anyone working or planning to work in a Bank sector and is the benchmark for non-regulated roles.
Retail Banking is the cluster of products and services that Banks provide to consumers and small businesses through branches, internet and other channels. Banks organize their retail activities along three complementary dimensions – Customers served, Products & Services offered and the delivery channel linking Customers to Products & Services. The issue of retail banking is extremely important and topical. In India as it is across the globe, retail banking has seen spectacular innovation in recent years. The growth of retail lending, especially in emerging economies, is attributable to the rapid advances in information technology, the evolving macroeconomic environment, financial market reforms, and several micro-level demand and supply side factors.
The Certificate in Banking (CIBA) is designed to prepare an all round banking professional.
Reference Book/Study Material
Study notes, tutorial webinars, regular conference calls, additional reading material and mock tests are provided by Equalifi.
In addition, the suggested/recommended reference books for this course are:
1. Retail Banking for CAIIB
2. Fundamentals of Retail Banking by O.P. Agarwal
3. Financial Markets & Institutions by Frederic S. Mishkin and Stanley Eakins
All these reference books are available on leading bookstores and online portals. Students can buy the recommended reference book directly from the Market for the said course.
Exam Details
Equalifi is offering the CIBA examination on an external, remote-proctored platform. Candidates can schedule an exam by paying the exam fee. Once the exam fee payment is done and exam registration is confirmed, the exam platform sends out the exam link by email to the candidates. Candidates can appear for the exam anytime any day within the next 1 year through this exam link from any place. Candidates need a good internet connection and a functional camera on their PC/ Laptop to appear for this exam.