Equalifi Journal

The Equalifi Journal, is a quarterly magazine and a definitive source of news and analysis of the financial services sector.
Subscription of Equalifi Journal is only available for Equalifi Members (Corporate & Individual) and Equalifi's Academic Partners. The Equalifi Journal explores various issues of interest for the broader financial services sector.

Engagement Opportunities:

Equalifi Journal presents an excellent opportunity to access key stakeholders of Indian financial services sector and thought leaders.

We only allow a limited number of slots for advertisements and paid editorial content.
Our advertisers are selected with the utmost care and we ensure that any potential adverts are fully vetted and fit our high-quality design criteria and more importantly are in line with the interests of our members/ readers.

Editorial Calendar:

Issue Special Topic/ Feature Editorial Deadline Magazine Live Date
April 2022 Investments March 15 April 7
July 2022 Fintech June 15 July 7
October 2022 Wealth Management September 15 October 7
January 2023 Banking December 15 January 7

If you would like to discuss any of the engagement opportunities in more detail, please feel free to contact our team on editorial@equalifi.org